関ヶ原の戦い Battle of Sekigahara


Hiroie Kikawa's Camp Site

 Hiroie Kikkawa's Camp Site
address 72 Miyashiro Sekigahara Sekigahara-cho Gifu-ken Japan        
0584-43-1111(town office community promotion section)
over sea 81-584-43-1289(board of education)
JR Tarui Station (about    meters to the    )
nearby sta. JR Tarui Sta. min on foot 
nearby IC Sekigahara Interchange min by car 
  parking lot No(frontal road)
  comfort station No

related military commander
WESTERN ARMY Hiroie Kikkawa(39)
number of soldiers 3,000 men
territory(before the battle) IIzumohoki 140,000koku(Tottori Pref.・Shimane Pref.)
territory(after the battle) Iwakuni  30,000koku(Yamaguchi Pref.)

   Terumoto Mori’s followers were divided between Hiroie Kikkawa of the Ieyasu group and Ekei Ankokuji of the Mitsunari group and affiliations became complicated. Ekei Ankokuji supported Terumoto Mori to become the commander in chief of the Western Army.

   At the battle of Sekigahara Hiroie Kikkawa, Hidemoto Mori and Ekei Ankokuji took up their position at the foot of Mt.Nangu. But before the battle Hiroie Kikkawa set a message to Ieyasu via Nagamasa Kuroda, that pledged battle nonparticipation of Mori. Hiroie begged for the pardon of Terumoto Mori and relief for Mori’s territory. So Yoshikawa’s forces were spread out in front of Mori’s forces, therefore Mori’s forces, Ankokuji’s forces and Natuka’s forces were not able to move.

  However, the promise was broken, Ieyasu decided that the Mori clan should be punished by being deprived of its fief after the war. He gave Suo’s territory and Nagato’s territory to Kikkawa. However due to Kikkawa’s effort, Mori clan was able to have Suo’s territory and Nagato’s territory. Kikkawa was given 30,000 koku of those.

